Chance Cutrano Chance Cutrano

Conservation Organizations Unite Against Unlawful Reversion of Habitat Conservation Funds

On June 6, 2024, a coalition of over 50 conservation organizations, including the Resource Renewal Institute, Sierra Club California, National Wildlife Federation, Audubon California, and Defenders of Wildlife sent a letter to Governor Gavin Newsom and key California legislators strongly opposing the proposed reversion of $45 million in General Funds from the Habitat Conservation Fund (HCF) back to the General Fund.

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Restore Point Reyes Chance Cutrano Restore Point Reyes Chance Cutrano

Public Comment Period on Point Reyes Elk Fence Now Open

For decades misguided park policies have condemned hundreds of tule elk to zoo-like conditions behind an 8-foot fence at the northern end of the Point Reyes peninsula. Cut off from adequate forage and water, hundreds of elk have perished in recent years. We now have the opportunity to change the course of elk management at the Seashore. Read on to find out how to submit your comments to the Park Service.

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